What is sudarshan kriya in hindi
What is sudarshan kriya in hindi

Just do it.” I insisted, “Any time? Hour? Should I not do anything special?” “No, any time. Until then I thought there was some sacred ceremony in the process of reproducing tapes, but instead, he said, “Anytime. Once, upon his request, I needed to reproduce some tapes. People, it is basic irresponsible hyperventilation with negative effects in the long term!). For heaven’s sake! It is just a tape of a lousy recording and it is now available ON-LINE! (he claims it does not work without his blessings, when in fact, it is what he wants everyone to believe in order to have power over everyone - as long as people believe these stories and in his "powers", he can keep manipulating, lying and stealing, and the Sudarshan Kriya remains a magical "savior" technique. More than a blessing, that tape was a curse. Sadly, once someone got the tape, they also got a big dosage of arrogance and stupidity. Tapes were given out almost ceremoniously. There were stories such as someone not being able to use the tape all of a sudden because Ravi did not bless him/her to use it. We were taught to believe one needed the grace of the guru in order for it to work, and when one was disgraced, it would not work. Many magical thinking stories were told about the kriya tape too. The ones who are truly behind the techniques, or the one who claims to have created them all?! Knowing all of the above (and the names of the people involved), if they were all true, I am confused as to whom I should have bowed down to or be grateful to all these years. YES+ was put together by the dynamic psychotic Bawa and Dinesh duo (when are they coming out of the closet?). DSN is an imitation of Landmark, of which Nitin (rishi) attended before AoL, which is today wildly known as a cultic movement and that many people suffered serious psychological damages. I understand it is a perfect imitation of another yoga school and not a big deal of a yoga after all. It was brought by a teacher who left the organization many years and later returned. A teacher of his, who is no longer with him, introduced it. The “poorna yoga” taught for many years was also not his. After slapping him he warned him people get brain-washed and murdered in Kundalini yoga! I once witnessed him slapping a boy after he told him he was not getting what he wanted in the path with him and that he wanted to go to a Kundalini Yoga organization. I was most upset when I heard this and understood why he always spoke so badly about Kundalini yoga. He learned them from a teacher who is also no longer with him, who in turn learned it from a Kundalini yoga master. Even the pranayama and bhastrika did not come from his own knowledge. It is not about the grace of the guru, it is physics and hyperventilation. People are obviously going to feel something if you take them to exaggerated rhythms of the breath, from very fast to suddenly slow, etc.


Thus, this teacher, a former TM teacher who is also no longer in the movement, came up with the 3 rounds of 20-40-40 and wrote the teacher's manual and possibly the kriya notes too! Actually, Ravishankar does not even know what he is doing when chanting So Ham So Ham So Ham. I was most disappointed when I found out not even the home kriya was created by “Sri Sri Ravishankar.” Apparently, a senior teacher of his insisted people needed a formula otherwise noone would continue the practices. As usual, AoL/SSRS are perfect, the problem is always somewhere else. he/she was not doing it right, past life, not enough grace, not enough surrender.

what is sudarshan kriya in hindi what is sudarshan kriya in hindi what is sudarshan kriya in hindi what is sudarshan kriya in hindi

Of course, we were dissonant enough to find reasons to justify each situation, e.g. I heard many similar stories from other people. I know of people who had heart attacks, hormonal dysfunction, etc. However, I know of many people who ended up in psychiatric hospitals with no possibility of recovery – serious psychotic disorders, after a TTC or DSN. There are many stories about Sudarshan Kriya and courses gone bad, except we all kept them secretive in order to sell more and because the problem was never with the Master or the technique, as per his talks on the 3 types of doubts.

What is sudarshan kriya in hindi